The letting industry is complex and governed by many rules and regulations that can seem daunting to both landlords and tenants.
Here at Fairview, our specialist lettings team work with both parties to unravel the mysteries and ensure that tenancies are run both efficiently and within legal requirements, to provide successful and rewarding tenancies for both landlords and tenants alike.
We provide fully legally compliant tenancy agreements that help protect landlords and tenants and avoid disputes, plus we are always on hand to help iron out any issues should they arise.
With our wealth of experience in the letting industry, we offer sound and informed advice on all aspects of renting and are happy to take the time to explain to both landlords and tenants their legal responsibilities.
Please feel free to ask us about any details in our contracts that you don't fully understand or any other questions on your legal responsibilities.
Tenants' Deposits must be legally protected so we make sure yours is registered with one of the government backed Tenant Deposit Schemes (TDP). Our landlords have the option of registering it through the government backed scheme we use or one of their own choice and we make sure tenants are fully informed as to where their deposits are held.
If you are unsure about any aspects of your deposit, please speak to one of letting team who will be happy to explain further.
We make sure rental payments are protected with our voluntary membership of the Client Money Protection scheme. Our landlords and tenants can be confident that their money is always safe in our hands and that all payments made to us reach their correct destination.
Here at Fairview, we believe that full transparency is vital to building trust and confidence in our business so we make sure all of our landlord and tenant fees are clearly published on both our website and available at our offices.
Successful tenancies depend on openness and honesty so we make sure we don't spring any nasty surprises on either landlords or tenants.
You an always be confident that our services adhere to the strictest codes of good conduct as we are voluntary members of the leading industry redress schemes. As members of Association of Letting Agents (ARLA) and The Property Ombudsman (TPO) both landlords and tenants can rest assured that you will be treated ethically and fairly throughout.
Building strong working relationships with landlords and tenants helps ensure tenancies run smoothly. Our friendly and approachable lettings team are here to help both parties throughout their tenancies and work hard to create open dialogue to keep tenancies on track.
Why not speak to our team today if you have a property to let or are looking to rent and let them assure you of their complete professionalism and dedication?