Our dedicated lettings team take care of all the important things so that our landlords can relax, safe in the knowledge that their investments are in safe hands.
We look after a wide range of property portfolios ranging from single properties to large multi-unit developments and tailor our services to fit each individual landlord's specific needs.
Our specialist lettings team provides landlords with unparalleled service and value for money. With our extensive knowledge and experience of the letting industry, our professionals help landlords create long and stress free tenancies.
Skillfully guiding our clients around the potholes experienced by many landlords and helping them avoid the pitfalls they could face whilst letting their properties, we work tirelessly to keep their investments working hard and their costs down.
Here at Fairview, we take our responsibilities seriously and apply due diligence to our tenant checks to help keep your investment safe and secure.
Our tenant checks are thorough and effective and help to ensure your property is being rented to a reliable and trustworthy tenant.
Not all properties and landlords have the same needs so we let you choose which services you want.
From Tenant Find only to full Property Management, we've got just the right level of support to fit your requirements.
With so much legislation involved in renting out your property, keeping on top of your legal responsibilities can be difficult and time consuming. At Fairview, we help our landlords stay on the right side of law by offering either helpful advice or by managing their properties for them.
We can help with things like Gas and Electricity Certification, Fire and Carbon Monoxide Alarms, Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) and more.
To help you keep costs down, we also have a verified and trusted network of contractors who are available to perform maintenance and repair work where necessary at negotiated discounts.
Small things matter at Fairview, as we know that neglecting them could lead to problems further down the road. Making sure we tick every box along the way helps prevent little things becoming big problems.
Simple things like ensuring check-in and check-out inventories are accurately completed, advising tenants of their responsibilities and what to do if a problem arises helps keep tenancies running smoothly and providing you with a continuous return on your investment.
Before we start marketing your property, we like to take a bit of time to help you get ready for both photographs, viewings and tenants. Our experienced advisers can offer advice on decor, furnishing and how to maximise the rental value of your property.
Marketing your rental property through Fairview ensures maximum exposure and less chance of rental voids. Not only do we advertise on all major property portals, our vast database of registered tenants means that your property will attract more attention and increase the opportunity to fulfill your rental value requirements.
Why not get in touch with our lettings team and book your FREE, NO OBLIGATION rental appraisal today?
We look forward to helping you make your property a successful investment.